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Drive business change in High Tech with Visual Analytics

The amount of operational data generated by high-tech companies is growing faster than ever before. However, many organisations struggle to capitalise on this data to drive business impact. Data silos and the lack of employees with analytical skills can mean that insights go unnoticed.

Those who are succeeding in this new digital era have the ability to adapt quickly and transform business and operating models to meet changing customer demands. With fast performance and intuitive visualisations, Tableau empowers you to explore and understand high volumes of data in minutes—whether it’s a website clickstream or an infrastructure event log.

Register your place to learn how Tableau can:

  • Supercharge your speed to analysis through the use of augmented analytics
  • Empower everyone to drive real change with the power of data
  • Break down data silos and create a culture of rapid collaboration and decision making

About the speakers


Felicity Starr

Regional Sales Director, Business Services, HLS & HiTech, Tableau

Felicity is the Sales Director for Business Services, HLS and HiTech at Tableau. Felicity joined Tableau from Salesforce to enable people to unlock ideas and value through understanding data.


Abdi Abdullahi

Solution Engineer, Tableau

Abdi is a Solution Engineer at Tableau working in the UKI market. As a Solution Engineer he is responsible for helping our customers get started with Tableau so they can see and understand their data.

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Jako firma konsultingowa wierzymy w to, że zaawansowana technologia pozwala rozwiązać większość problemów biznesowych w organizacjach. Czym jednak byłaby technologia bez ludzi? W Astrafox bez względu na to, czy mówimy o naszych Klientach, czy pracownikach, wierzymy w to, że to właśnie człowiek jest najcenniejszym zasobem firmy i wszelkie nasze działania zorientowane są na niego.

Naszym Klientom służymy wiedzą i bogatym doświadczeniem. Na co dzień oferujemy wsparcie merytoryczne po to, by nasi Kontrahenci mogli w pełni wykorzystywać potencjał technologii w swoich organizacjach. Naszymi działaniami udowadniamy, że nowoczesne rozwiązania IT są kluczem do sukcesu każdego przedsiębiorstwa.

Pomagamy we wszystkich aspektach pracy z narzędziami Business Intelligence: od projektowania struktur danych, poprzez szkolenia, warsztaty, konsultacje, aż po zaawansowane programowanie i integrację. Specjalizujemy się w Tableau, Alteryx, oraz programowaniu w R.

Sprawdź nasz Blog: https://astrafox.pl/blog/
Wdrożenia Tableau: https://astrafox.pl/tableau-business-intelligence/
Wdrożenia Business Intelligence: https://astrafox.pl/wdrozenia-business-intelligence/
Pobierz Tableau: https://astrafox.pl/pobierz-tableau

We are a customer-oriented, consulting company who helps solve business problems through the use of the latest technologies in order to build a better future. We aim to be unique with our services and to become the top team by creating new standards on the market. Our team of certified specialists understands the business needs of our clients and helps them implement their needs by using appropriate IT tools.

We believe that our experience and knowledge belongs not only to us, but to our clients and their employees as well. We offer professional support and we are always available to support our customers, so they can fully explore their organizations’ technology potential. We do this by providing modern IT solutions that are the key to the success of any enterprise.
We assist in all aspects of working with business intelligence tools such as designing data structures, training, workshops, consulting, advanced programming, and integration. We specialize in tools such as Tableau, Alteryx, R.

Our website: http://astrafox.com