Building Blocks of a Modern Analytics Platform

What is "modern analytics," and why do you need it?

Download this free whitepaper.

Delivering data, value and decisions to your entire organization.

This whitepaper will explore the building blocks that comprise a modern analytics platform the business and IT can use—together—to deliver data, value, and decisions for the whole company. This includes the new, shiny tools of today as well as the traditional tools that have been the foundation for business intelligence for decades.

We will show how each building block fits into the larger process of turning data into insight, whether it’s the tools you need to capture and report on data, or new technologies to share interactive insights. We’ll also discuss how Tableau can be both a foundation for a modern analytics platform and a catalyst for creating a new data-driven analytics culture.

We’ll dive into:

  • The three data challenges facing organization’s today.
  • The building blocks of a modern analytics platform.
  • Tying it all together.
Get the whitepaper

What's really going to make big data go mainstream is the ability to connect not just with data scientists and technologists but business people. And absolutely one of the keys to that is visualization, is being able to show people—not just tell people, not just show numbers or even show charts—but to have those charts and graphs and visualizations come alive.

Om Tableau

Tableau hjälper människor att omvandla data till insikter som kan leda till handling. Visuella analyser utan begränsningar låter dig utforska fritt. Skapa dashboards och utför ad hoc-analyser med bara några klick. Dela ditt arbete med vem du vill och påverka din verksamhet. Allt från globala koncerner till startups och småföretagare över hela världen använder Tableau för att se och förstå sin data.

Omnämnt i

Fast Company
Wallstreet Journal

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