What's the community saying about Tableau Conference?
It was great to see what Tableau Conference was all about last week in Las Vegas! I hope you all enjoyed the conference as much as I did. My favorite part was meeting many new faces and catching up with familiar ones. I look forward to connecting with those of you who were not able to attend this year.

By now you have probably seen some conference recap blog posts by folks in the Tableau Public community. We’ve gathered up a few excellent posts from some TC veterans and some first-timers. Check them out!
Ann Jackson: #data17 Recap – A quick top 5
Tableau Ambassador Ann Jackson reflects back on her top 5 favorite and most memorable moments of the conference.
Sarah Bartlett: What happens in Vegas…. #Data17
Sarah Bartlett shares her conference highlights (spoiler alert: #MakeoverMonday Live tops the list).
Mark Edwards: Reflections On a First Tableau Conference
"Whilst I loved meeting community members I already knew or was meeting for the first time, it was also just as great to engage with those who don’t live and breathe Tableau 24/7."
Emily Kund: VizGoals
Emily Kund puts a spin on a recap blog by outlining her “Viz Goals” for the coming months.
Michael Mixon: Introversion 2.0 – my Tableau 2017 Conference Experience
Michael Mixon talks about the value of becoming involved in community projects to drive conversations and make connections.
Bridget Cogley: We are all made of stars – A Tableau Conference Recap of my New Data Heroes
Zen Master Bridget Cogley shares her list of people who are quietly making their mark on the world, and she had the honor of meeting at the conference.
Mark Bradbourne: A Tale of Two Conferences (#DATA17 Recap)
Mark Bradbourne shares his top 10 experiences from the conference. "Long story short, I continued to get involved, make more contacts, and started to get really, REALLY excited about the 2017 conference."
Kevin Knorpp: Ten Takeaways from My First Tableau Conference
First-time TC attendee Kevin Knorpp shares his top 10 list of takeaways.
If you missed any of the action, we've got you covered! You can watch our recorded sessions online.
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