Making Sense of Big Data

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Read this guide to learn how small and medium businesses can easily and quickly unlock insights from big data.

In today's marketplace, even small and medium businesses have big data. Learn how teams of any size and skill level can become data rock stars to better ask and answer their own questions, create measurable value, and make better decisions.

This guide showcases real data and real stories: a chain of karaoke bars, an Arizona marketing agency, and a D.C. media firm, all of whom use data to outperform their competition. They’re not data scientists; they’re regular business users who wanted faster, better answers for themselves and their teams.

Read the guide to learn more about:

  • The state of big data in small and medium businesses
  • 3 ways to spot market trends
  • Data visualization
  • 5 tips for building interactive dashboards
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Las organizaciones que usan big data tienen un 70 % más de probabilidades de ver sus proyectos de BI administrados por los mismos usuarios de la empresa, y no por el grupo de TI.

Acerca de Tableau

Tableau ayuda a las personas a transformar los datos en información útil. Explore con análisis visuales ilimitados. Diseñe dashboards y haga análisis ad hoc con unos pocos clics. Comparta su trabajo con quien quiera y genere un impacto positivo en su empresa. Multinacionales, empresas pequeñas y emergentes... Todo el mundo usa Tableau para ver y comprender sus datos.

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