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Only a few years ago, data lived in specific databases, and IT was its gatekeeper – if the business needed a report, only IT had the skills to prep that data and build the report. Today, in the era of “self-service BI”, the goal remains the same, but the roles have changed. IT takes on the role of data enabler and the business user becomes the report creator and consumer.

Many IT organizations are looking for ways to manage these shifts. In this eBook, we discuss how IT can deliver a solution that meets the needs of the business and gives IT the process they need to ensure data management principles are met. The end result is a strong collaboration between IT and the business that provides clean and governed data for the business to explore.

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Nuestro trabajo consiste en otorgar libertad a la empresa para que esta pueda autoadministrarse. Al mismo tiempo y sin que nadie lo note, nos aseguramos de que haya orden y de que este se mantenga.

Acerca de Tableau

Tableau ayuda a las personas a transformar los datos en información útil. Explore con análisis visuales ilimitados. Diseñe dashboards y haga análisis ad hoc con unos pocos clics. Comparta su trabajo con quien quiera y genere un impacto positivo en su empresa. Multinacionales, empresas pequeñas y emergentes... Todo el mundo usa Tableau para ver y comprender sus datos.

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