4 Reasons your Metadata is Broken

Change the way you think about metadata for a faster, easier approach.

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Metadata is more important now than ever. While new technologies enable business users to work directly with data, the consumerization of IT means people expect systems to be intuitive and require little training. With so many people using data to support so many kinds of decisions, it’s critical that your data is described, defined and understood.

Still, too many systems require a slow, rigid approach to metadata. By changing the way you think about metadata, you can make it faster and easier for the business to make sense of their data.

Read this paper to find answers to four common reasons your metadata is broken:

  1. Pre-defining metadata takes too much time and slows down a deployment.
  2. Metadata isn’t as flexible as you need it to be.
  3. Metadata isn’t discoverable in the flow of analysis.
  4. Metadata slows users down rather than helping them.
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Tableau hjälper människor att omvandla data till insikter som kan leda till handling. Visuella analyser utan begränsningar låter dig utforska fritt. Skapa dashboards och utför ad hoc-analyser med bara några klick. Dela ditt arbete med vem du vill och påverka din verksamhet. Allt från globala koncerner till startups och småföretagare över hela världen använder Tableau för att se och förstå sin data.

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Fast Company
Wallstreet Journal