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Public Sector Day 2019 - See Tableau in Action: Advanced Analytics

Benjamin Tan, Associate Sales Consultant, Tableau Advanced analytics is a critical component of modern business intelligence. In this session, Ben will cover topics relating to...

Public Sector Day 2019 - Mastering the Art of Visualization

David Murphy, Tableau Visionary & Sarah Burnett, Tableau Social Ambassador Acquiring the skills to create beautiful visualizations is easy. Watch and learn as Sarah takes a...

Public Sector Day 2019 - Learn Tableau Your Way & Get Certified

Andy Tan, Director, APAC Services, Tableau Designing your Tableau enablement journey is key to getting you started on discovering insights and driving meaningful changes for your...

Public Sector Day 2019 - GovTech: Towards an Analytics-Ready Organization

Kelvin Goh, Deputy Director, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Division, GovTech Most organizations fail in their bid to transform into one that fully embraces and...

Public Sector Day 2019 - Keynote: Bringing Rich and Intuitive Analytics to the Public Sector

Jonathan Varkovitzky, Product Manager, Product Operations, Tableau Making data-driven decisions is...

  • Business Analytics

From Data Prep to Finance Reporting: 3 Examples to Speed Up Analysis

Financial data is messy. Preparing and transforming financial data for analysis is highly manual and time-consuming. With the extensive cleaning and shaping that happens with financial data, how do...

  • IT & Enterprise

Disaster Recovery for Tableau Server

Please note: This paper assumes you are running Tableau Server version 2018.2 or more recent (with Tableau Services Manager). Disaster recovery (DR) means being prepared for—and recovering...

  • Embedded Analytics

Are you leaving a data monetization opportunity on the table?

Are you leaving a data monetization opportunity on the table? Learn about present opportunities and challenges of data monetization, see which industries and use cases are thriving, and review...

Tableau Experience Indonesia - Govern Modern Analytics Deployment with Business and IT in Partnership

David Ciam, Senior Sales Consultant, Tableau SEA The move from traditional BI approaches to modern analytics has started. The deployment of a successful enterprise analytics...

Tableau Experience Indonesia - Tokopedia: Shaping a Data Driven Culture with Self-service Analytics

Victor Setya, Head of Analytics, Tokopedia Discover Tokopedia's journey with analytics - starting from supporting sporadic queries and ad-hoc analysis in the ‘Early Age’, enabling...