Storytelling with data

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Storytelling brings data to life, allowing the viewer to make a personal connection to the information.

A good story changes our brain chemistry, increasing empathy, connectedness and attention. How can you tell great stories with data to educate, inspire and make a real impact? In this video, get tips from the experts, and see some of the best of examples of storytelling with data.

Watch this video to learn more from:

  • Cheryl Phillips, Hearst Professional in Residence at Stanford University
  • Robert Kosara, Research Scientist at Tableau Software
  • Pete Misner, Principal at Canyon Creek Elementary
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It’s interesting about storytelling and why it has such an impact. And I think it's because it really makes a personal connection. If you can find a personal connection in a vast amount of information, and then relate that to a person, they get it. And all of a sudden, they remember it more effectively. And the same thing happens with visualization.

關於 Tableau

Tableau 協助使用者將資料轉化為可據以採取行動的深入分析。透過視覺化分析探索無限可能。只要按幾下滑鼠,就可以建立儀表板並執行臨時分析。分享您的工作並讓您的資料發揮影響力。從全球性的企業到初期新創公司與小型公司,各地的使用者都使用 Tableau 來查看並瞭解資料。


Fast Company
Wallstreet Journal

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