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Differentiate your Services and drive greater value for clients with Visual Analytics

Aligning people and their expertise to the right projects for a profit, is the main priority for most Professional Services organisations - whether this be in Legal, Real Estate or Consultancy. These industries create vast amounts of data across their workforce, revenue generation, client tracking and billing. But for many, this data remains in silos.

These organisations need the ability to quickly blend and link similar data to gain insightful results. Professional Services organisations use Tableau to gain insights not only on their business, but also that of their clients by enabling their consultants and employees with the analytical capability, to differentiate their services and drive greater value.

Register your place now to learn how Tableau can help you:

  • Track financial performance and client information to make smarter strategic decisions and increase efficiency
  • Combine data sources to understand the utilisation of your employees
  • Empower employees to drive real business impact with self-serve analytics to increase productivity and reduce expenditure

About the speakers

Greg Koumoundouros

Senior Enterprise Account Manager, Tableau

Sarah Geary

Associate Solution Engineer, Tableau

Sarah is a Solution Engineer at Tableau working in the UKI market. As a Solution Engineer she is responsible for helping our customers get started with Tableau so they can see and understand their data. Prior to joining Tableau, she was a Trading Technology Consultant in an Irish consultancy firm. Sarah graduated with a degree in Business Information Systems from University College Cork.

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NDLS sp. z o.o.

NewDataLabs is the only one Tableau Partner in Poland focusing ONLY in Tableau technology.
Our mision is to make the work with data easier. You will be privided not only with Tableau products and trainings – but also with our expertise, new vision of data usage in Your Company and … a lot of new exciting fun in Your work! We help You to define Your KPI’s, dashboards, reports and to make it interesting and understandable for Your Managers.
We are the group of Consultants with 10+ Years of experience in Business Intelligence – this helps us to make things better and faster. Come and visit us at www.newdatalabs.com.

NewDataLabs jest jedynym Partnerem Tableau w Polsce w 100% skoncentrowanym na technologii Tableau.
Naszą misją jest „Ułatwiamy pracę z danymi”. Współpraca z nami to nie tylko licencje i szkolenia Tableau – ale przede wszystkim możliwość zupełnie nowego podejścia do pracy z danymi w Twojej Firmie, wykorzystanie naszej wiedzy i doświadczenia i … mnóstwo nowej ekscytującej „uciechy” z danymi w Twojej pracy!
Pomożemy Ci zdefiniować optymalne KPI, dashboardy, raporty – i uczynić je ciekawymi i zrozumiałymi dla Twoich Managerów.
Jesteśmy grupą Konsultantów z ponad 10 letnim doświadczeniem w Business Intelligence – to pomaga nam pracować lepiej i szybciej. Więcej na www.newdatalabs.com.