
Unlock the Value in your Manufacturing & Consumer Goods Data with Visual Analytics

Manufacturing and Consumer Goods organisations are frequently asked to predict the unpredictable. When attempting to forecast and make plans for predictable business growth, it is more important than ever that data and insight is not restricted to departmental silos.

Data insights need to be accessible across-functions in order to increase communication, surface deeper insights and make smarter decisions. Both industries have accelerated their digital transformation activities within which data and analytics offers supreme value to those who harness it effectively. 

Register your place now to learn how Tableau can help you:

  • Empower your employees to drive real business impact with self-serve analytics
  • Improve process efficiency & centralise production monitoring through visual analytics
  • Better serve your customers by turning real-time data into valuable insights

About the speakers


Jonathan Hawkins

Account Manager, Consumer Goods & Manufacturing, Tableau

Jonathan works in our Consumer Goods and Manufacturing business helping organisations evolve their use of analytics and culture towards data. He takes a keen interest in supply chain, is a member of the ASCM supply chain management association and has a degree in mathematics.


Ryan Biggs

Sales Consultant, Tableau

Day in day out Ryan has the complete pleasure of building, prototyping and enabling Tableau customers and internal colleagues alike in everything Analytics.


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NDLS sp. z o.o.

NewDataLabs is the only one Tableau Partner in Poland focusing ONLY in Tableau technology.
Our mision is to make the work with data easier. You will be privided not only with Tableau products and trainings – but also with our expertise, new vision of data usage in Your Company and … a lot of new exciting fun in Your work! We help You to define Your KPI’s, dashboards, reports and to make it interesting and understandable for Your Managers.
We are the group of Consultants with 10+ Years of experience in Business Intelligence – this helps us to make things better and faster. Come and visit us at www.newdatalabs.com.

NewDataLabs jest jedynym Partnerem Tableau w Polsce w 100% skoncentrowanym na technologii Tableau.
Naszą misją jest „Ułatwiamy pracę z danymi”. Współpraca z nami to nie tylko licencje i szkolenia Tableau – ale przede wszystkim możliwość zupełnie nowego podejścia do pracy z danymi w Twojej Firmie, wykorzystanie naszej wiedzy i doświadczenia i … mnóstwo nowej ekscytującej „uciechy” z danymi w Twojej pracy!
Pomożemy Ci zdefiniować optymalne KPI, dashboardy, raporty – i uczynić je ciekawymi i zrozumiałymi dla Twoich Managerów.
Jesteśmy grupą Konsultantów z ponad 10 letnim doświadczeniem w Business Intelligence – to pomaga nam pracować lepiej i szybciej. Więcej na www.newdatalabs.com.