5 Steps to Self-Service Analytics that Scales

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Learn the five steps to ensure safe, secure, and governed results.

The data revolution is here. And self-service analytics is a given.

When the business wants access to raw data, it can be disruptive. Self-service business intelligence challenges the traditional BI methodology and forces IT to take a new approach to analytics.

The modern approach is simple. It’s about IT and the business partnering to deliver self-service data access at scale. It allows secure and governed data to flow into the organization through IT. And it empowers the end user with the software to explore their data.

At its core, Tableau was built to help people easily connect to, visualize, and analyze their data to find insights faster. They can then securely share and collaborate across their organization. This approach provides significant value and is quickly making self-service BI the new normal.

Ready to take the modern approach?

Here are five steps to ensure safe, secure, and governed results.

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Realmente queríamos un modelo de autoservicio. El personal de TI no quería (ni debería) dedicarse a redactar informes. Desde la perspectiva de TI, podemos colocar a Tableau donde le corresponde, es decir, en manos de las personas que usan los datos y los conocen.

Acerca de Tableau

Tableau ayuda a las personas a transformar los datos en información útil. Explore con análisis visuales ilimitados. Diseñe dashboards y haga análisis ad hoc con unos pocos clics. Comparta su trabajo con quien quiera y genere un impacto positivo en su empresa. Multinacionales, empresas pequeñas y emergentes... Todo el mundo usa Tableau para ver y comprender sus datos.

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