The Evolution of Data Storytelling

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Take a look at how our data-storytelling capabilities have grown over the years.

These days, data storytelling is top of mind for data explorers of all types. The form has evolved alongside the development of better data analytics tools. In the beginning, people manually extracted their data and published their analysis. Then came the era of annotated, interactive storyboards and contextual insights. And today, we are advancing yet again with the rise of automated generation of narrative insights and reports. Here’s a look at how our data-storytelling capabilities have grown.

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Whenever I speak with successful analytics people— and I do that all the time—it’s usually not long before they mention the phrase ‘telling a story with data.'

關於 Tableau

Tableau 協助使用者將資料轉化為可據以採取行動的深入分析。透過視覺化分析探索無限可能。只要按幾下滑鼠,就可以建立儀表板並執行臨時分析。分享您的工作並讓您的資料發揮影響力。從全球性的企業到初期新創公司與小型公司,各地的使用者都使用 Tableau 來查看並瞭解資料。


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