It's Back to School Month!

Is there anything better than being reunited with all of your school friends on the first day back from summer break? The crisp fall air and advertisements for discounts on colored pencils have made me nostalgic for my own first day of school. I was just a wide eyed kid wearing an obnoxiously loud vest ready to fill my head with knowledge:

I really basically still dress like this.

These days, Septembers are a little less exciting for me, but they do get us thinking about education. And that's why for September, our theme is Back to School Month! All month, we'll be highlighting how schools are using data to learn more about their students and how data nerds are going back to school to improve their viz practice. We will be highlighting vizzes and vizzers about education all throughout the month. To whet your appetite, here's one I made comparing the scores of professors in the Pac12 on

And because it's fun, here's a couple more Tableau Public team members back in their elementary school days:

Ben Jones

Sophie Sparkes