3 Ways to Measure Social Media Like a Genius

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Social media is a significant part of your marketing mix. Are you effectively measuring it?

Tired of looking at the same old social media metrics from Facebook and Twitter? Ready to wow your customers and colleagues with visualizations that explore and measure social media ROI? Check out this guide to learn three ways find social media insights like a pro.

This guide includes:

  • Live interactive examples of social media data dashboards
  • YouTube tutorials about social media analytics
  • Best practices and guidelines for measuring social media
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With Tableau, I can pull in my mobile data; I can pull in my Google Analytics data. I can pull in my social data. I can pull in my Salesforce and CRM data and see that 360° view of the prospect and the customer.

Sobre a Tableau

O Tableau ajuda as pessoas a transformar dados em informações acionáveis. Explore seus dados com uma análise visual sem limites. Crie painéis e faça análises sob demanda com apenas alguns cliques. Compartilhe seu trabalho com quem quiser e gere um impacto positivo nos seus negócios. De multinacionais a startups recém-fundadas e pequenas empresas, pessoas de todo o mundo usam o Tableau para ver e entender seus dados.

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