Now Showing: Iron Viz Silver Screen Entries!

It's a parade of stars and you've brought them all to Tableau Public!

Prepare to be amazed at the entries for the final Iron Viz feeder contest - Iron Viz Silver Screen! Spend some time diving deep into the likes of pop culture, from I Love Lucy to Star Wars, and everything on screen between.

Hashtag It!

Use the share button in the footer of each viz, share on social and use #IronViz so the Tableau Public community can follow the conversation.

In the meantime, the Tableau team will judge each entry on design, storytelling, analysis, and overall appeal to pick the main-prize winner. That winner will join Tristan Guillevin and Joshua Milligan at TC17 in Las Vegas for the big on-stage Iron Viz battle supreme.

The winner will be announced on Monday, 21 August 2017!

Athan Mavrantonis

John Brink

James Storey

Shawn Levin

Suraj Shah

Alexa Benk
The Office

Spencer Baucke
The Office

Rakshith Krishna
IMDB dashboard

Sarah Leigh Brich
Women in Horror

Nicco Cirone
Star Wars Survey

Andy Klatt
Does the Dog Die?

Nai Louza
Netflix and Chill

Olga Tsubiks
The Story of Film

Jane Crofts
Wake Up, Hollywood

Michael Cisneros
Name That TV Theme

Savio Henriques
IMDb Movie Ratings

Luke Stanke
10 Word Movie Pitch

Ken Flerlage
Sharknado Death Toll

Aline Leonard
Wes Anderson's movies

Jakub Jaros
South Park Vocabulary

Kizley Benedict
Bruce Lee Filmography

Ken Flerlage
Middle Earth Facebook

Tom O'Hara
Jimmy Fallon's Guests

Timothy Vermeiren
how i met your mother

Adam Crahen
Breaking Bad Kill List

Virginia Moench
Christmas Movie Trivia

Amit Sarda
Iron Viz - IMDb Top 250

Alex Ternes
LEDA Through the Seasons

Rody Zakovich
Marvel cinematic Universe

Siraj Alimohamed
Storybook of Pixar Movies

Bridget Cogley
Cut - A Cinemetric IronViz

Eman Alvani

Nilkamal Shah
Game of Thrones Screen Time

Shaunak Ponkshe
Tableau Over Voice Commands

Alex Christensen
Star Wars: 8-Bit Alien Index

Cassie Beck
The Data Story About Nothing

Jeehwan Yeo
Indie Film 2016, South Korea

Louise Shorten
The Simpsons - Who Said What

Kim Unger
On-Screen Kills by Jack Bauer

Pablo Saenz de Tejada
The Oscars Best Picture Awards

Lorna Eden
Friends Through the Transcripts

Andrew Lang
The Surprise of the Bechdel Test

Jacob Olsufka
Star Wars - Screen Time Analysis

Ludovic Tavernier
Vizzing Series - A Game of Talks

Rahul Patil
Fast and Furious Franchise Stats

Neethu Joseph
Drump Corps Championship Dashboard

Preston Howell
The Quest to Destroy Lord Voldemort

Josh Tapley
MythBusters - Don't Try This at Home

George Gorcznski
Women Still Underrepresented in Films

Jeff Plattner
The Simpsons: 28 Years and Running...

Priya Raghuveer
Top Horror Moview as per Facebook Likes

Kashish Chauhan
Christopher Nolan's Directorial Features

Lilach Manheim
Time in the Storytelling of Breaking Bad

Kathryn Ambrose
Harry Potter and the revenue of the Films

Ann Jackson
Star Trek The Next Generation: Every Episode

Han Yan
Alter Egos of The Simpson - The Untold Story

Rob Radburn
Male stars can act their age, why can't women?

Katie Weander
I Love Lucy: Facts and Figures Behind the Reign

Sumeet Bedekar
The Daily Prophet - In honour of #HarryPotter20

Sachet Kashyap
How to make a Profitable Movie in First Attempt

Kevin Knorpp
Exploring Sci-Fi Movies in the IMDB 5000 Dataset

Angie Chen
Cheat Sheet for Your Bachelor/Bachelorette Bracket

Mark Bradbourne
CIFF42 - The Cleveland International Film Festival

Rody Zakovich
Disney's Rise to the Top of the Domestic Box Office

Allan Walker
Star Wars - Animated Models of Tie-Fighter and X-Wing

Michael Sanville
Come on down to SOUTH PARK and meet some friends of mine

R.J. Stirling
Shaken, not stirred: An exploration of cocktails in film

Becca Cabral
To Infinity and Beyond: The Hidden Universe of Pixar Movies

Stephane Hochberg
MARVEL & DC Characters Making Their Way on Global Movie Screens

Corey Jones
Original TV Programming By 3 Major Providers: HBO, Netflix and Amazon

Sean Miller
How Last Week Tonight with John Oliver used YouTube to maximize its audience

Chris Love
Oscar Unit - Space Exploration

Who's on your personal parade of stars? Share it with the fan club on Twitter and Facebook! Go #IronViz!