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Tableau Desktop 2021.3.12
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Lösta problem
Problem-id | Beskrivning |
When opening a workbook connected to a JSON cloud file data source, the following error could result, "Error Code A7CFA9FE". |
When connecting to Informix/Denodo data using the CData connector, the error "AlqProcessor evaluation failed" could occur. The following message could also occur, "Bad Connection: Tableau could not connect to the data source. |
When publishing a workbook to server and modifying a user's permissions, the user in the preview window would be blank. |
Workbook data accuracy could render differently in 2021.3 and newer when compared to older versions. |
When using LBLM as the activation method, sometimes the LBLM reports on Tableau Server or Tableau Online would not show the correct usage data. |
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