5 Best Practices for Creating Effective Dashboards

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Take hold of the potential of dashboards and start making them part of your analysis approach.

Take hold of the potential of dashboards and start making them part of your analysis approach.

This paper discusses the five best practices for creating effective dashboards:

  • Choose metrics that matter
  • Keep it visual
  • Make it interactive
  • Keep it current or don’t bother
  • Make it simple to access and use

Dashboards are powerful because, if created well, they pull together different views of information in a single place, providing one of the most impactful ways to visualize data.

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Ask yourself how your dashboard metrics connect to the bottom line. Does everyone understand the metrics that matter?

Sobre a Tableau

O Tableau ajuda as pessoas a transformar dados em informações acionáveis. Explore seus dados com uma análise visual sem limites. Crie painéis e faça análises sob demanda com apenas alguns cliques. Compartilhe seu trabalho com quem quiser e gere um impacto positivo nos seus negócios. De multinacionais a startups recém-fundadas e pequenas empresas, pessoas de todo o mundo usam o Tableau para ver e entender seus dados.

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