5 Tips to Get More from Google Analytics

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Learn how to take full advantage of your data from Google Analytics.

Google Analytics has many great features to help you track website visitors, source, and conversions. But there are so many more insights you can unlock with your Google Analytics data.

Ask and answer deeper questions:

  • How well does the respondent audience in your web visits correspond to your target audience?
  • What traffic sources yield the most valuable customers, not just one-time conversions?
  • How can you enable colleagues to use and benefit from your website data?
  • What can you learn by blending your Google Analytics data with Salesforce.com data or other sources?
  • How can you do all this quickly, without a lot of manual work?

Read this whitepaper for 5 tips to get more from Google Analytics.

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Tableau's given us a really, really great solution for blending our Google Analytics and Omniture data with our database data. We can really give customers that holistic, 360 view of their organization.

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