BARC BI Survey 14

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In the Business Analytics Research Council (BARC) annual BI Survey Tableau Obtains Top Ratings

Tableau Obtains Top Ratings in 2014 BARC Business Intelligence Survey

In the world’s largest survey conducted on business intelligence software users, Tableau had the greatest number of users in the Large International BI vendors peer group say that they would recommend the product to others.

The BARC BI Survey 14 is based on findings from the world’s largest and most comprehensive survey on business intelligence, involving 3224 people. This survey examines how business intelligence users select and use BI software, and measures the merits of each product based on the products’ ability to bring business benefits to the organization, reduce costs, increase competitiveness and agility.

The results show that Tableau is a market leader in data visualization and agile exploration, and recommended by a majority of users for the benefits it’s brought to organizations. Tableau users mentioned that Tableau offers one of the best solutions within its peer groups in data discovery, handling large data volumes and mobile capabilities. As a company, we are investing heavily in our products to support a wide range of data environments and use cases, and we’re pleased to see BARC affirming us in these areas.

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Tableau has let us do faster and more profound analysis. This has led to a better decision-making process in the company.

Tableau について

Tableau は、次にとるべきアクションにつながるインサイトを、お客様がデータから引き出せるように支援しています。ビジュアル分析によって、制限なくデータを探索できます。ダッシュボードを作成し、数回のクリックでアドホックな分析を実行できるようになります。分析は誰とでも共有でき、大きなインパクトをビジネスにもたらすことができます。グローバルな大企業から、中小企業やスタートアップまで、あらゆる場所で多くのお客様が Tableau を使いデータを見て理解しています。



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