Webinaire à la demande

Accélérez votre analytique avancée : R, Python et MATLAB

L'analytique avancée, c'est toute une démarche : il faut comprendre le passé, prédire l'avenir et trouver la meilleure approche pour atteindre les objectifs. Que ce soit avec des visualisations, des prévisions et du clustering intégrés ou des modèles de machine learning sur mesure en R, Python ou Matlab, Tableau vous accompagne à chaque étape.

Ce webinaire passe en revue les différentes possibilités d'analytique avancée qu'offre Tableau, exemples à l'appui. Découvrez ce que vous pouvez faire, quand et comment utiliser certaines fonctionnalités et les meilleures utilisations.

Ce webinaire fait partie de la série Analytique avancée pour les data scientists.

*Veuillez noter que la présentation du webinaire sera en anglais.

À propos des intervenants


Erik Polano

Associate Solution Architect, Tableau

Erik is a Associate Solution Architect at Tableau. Whilst doing his BA, Erik got really interested in Behavioral and Experimental Economics trying to use data analysis and statistics to understand how people actually behave and make decisions. After having completed his MSc at the Stockholm School of Economics which he focused on Field Experimentation in Labor Economics, he has since been working in the tech space where he now helps people see and understand their data using Tableau. When not at work, you can see him biking around London or running in Victoria Park when he is not taking care of the two cats at home.


Erwin van Laar

Manager, Product Consultant, Tableau

Erwin van Laar is a Manager of Product Consultancy at Tableau. As a MSc Public Health graduate of Maastricht University in the Netherlands, he specializes in management and innovation. Prior to Tableau, Erwin worked as a management trainee and eventually a team leader at a occupational health service, where he optimized the performance of the Health Checks & Vaccinations unit. He now uses this knowledge on a daily basis to help people see and understand their data across all sectors. In his spare time, Erwin likes to visit the theatre or concerts, which makes London the right place for him!

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