Celebrating Earth Day in 2021

According to EarthDay.org, the first Earth Day in 1970 gave a voice to an emerging public concern about the state of our planet—demonstrating support for environmental protection and taking actions into changing the world for the better. Many important environmental movements and events have happened since this day and although we’ve come a long way, it is a date that inspires us for future action. The official theme for 2021 is ‘Restore our Earth’.

Tableau Public is honored to provide tools to our community to help them—understand, drive awareness, and resolve challenges surrounding climate change and global warming—with data. To celebrate Earth Day this year, we are highlighting some visualizations from passionate data enthusiasts within our community who have shined a light on the need for the conservation of our planet’s resources.

The Tableau Public team believes that your data stories can be used to impact lasting change in the world. So, we encourage you to unleash the potential to create amazing data stories and help us keep working towards a just, inclusive and sustainable future.

Favorite the vizzes below and follow each author’s Tableau Public profile. Then take it one step further and download the viz. This gives you the opportunity to both learn how the viz was created, and build upon their work. Make sure to include the attribution feature that allows you to link to the author viz that inspired your work. We can’t wait to see all the amazing visualizations you’ll create!