

Modern businesses need to manage vast amounts of data, which in many cases has accumulated for years. With Hortonworks, businesses are learning to see these types of data as inexpensive, accessible sources of insight and competitive advantages. Hortonworks is designed to integrate with and extend the capabilities of your existing investments in data applications, tools, and processes. Tableau can combine and interpret the data in the Hortonworks Data Platform with data in traditional analytics databases to create a blended view of multiple data sources. The combined capabilities of Hortonworks and Tableau make big data less expensive and easier to understand for the enterprise.

Using Tableau with Hortonworks Data Platform

The Hortonworks Data Platform is an enterprise-grade Hadoop distribution that enables you to store, process, and manage large data sets. Learn about key features and benefits of using Hortonworks Data Platform and Tableau.

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Hadoop data analysis with Tableau: the best practices

Learn more about unique features to the Tableau Connector for HDP in addition to tips and tricks to get the most out of your data.

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Learn more about HDP and Tableau

Hortonworks goes hand-in-hand with Hadoop, enabling analysts to store, process, and analyze petabytes of information. Tableau empowers business users to quickly and easily find valuable insights in vast Hadoop datasets.

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