Released December 2014
Enable Single Sign-On and Delegated Access with Kerberos
Tableau's newest 8.3 release delivers Kerberos support for enterprise security and authentication systems that connect to Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Analysis Server, and Cloudera Impala. With Kerberos, you can easily protect sensitive data so users only see the data they are authorized to see. With support for Kerberos authentication in Tableau 8.3, you'll also experience a seamless, single sign-on flow from the Tableau client all the way to your back-end data sources, even when using smart cards.
With Kerberos support, Tableau 8.3 advances enterprise-grade data analysis with these enhancements:
- Provides seamless, single sign-on experience from Tableau client to back-end data sources
- Protects sensitive data with delegated access and viewer credential management
- Connects to live data sources through stable, automated back-end authentication
- Leverages existing IT investments in enterprise-grade authentication and data security
- Supports smart card authentication