Best of the Tableau Web: It's all about community!

In the latest Best of the Tableau Web, the community shares a variety of tips and tricks to make your data come alive.

Welcome to the July edition of Best of the Tableau Web! As always, there’s a great variety of tips and tricks for every level. I particularly enjoyed the posts by Mike Cisneros and Colin Wojtowycz, as they both describe their experiences of getting involved in the Tableau community. I never cease to be amazed by the passion of our community, and I love the humility shown by people when they share their paths to where they are. If you’re thinking about getting involved in the community, I highly recommend you dive in and find your niche. Robert Crocker’s post provides one of the simplest templates to getting going!

Tips and tricks

TableauFit 10 Intro Tips to Tableau When You’re Handed Someone Else's Workbooks
Viz Simply How to Give Tableau a Go
Ryan Sleeper How to Add a Tooltip to a Dimension in Tableau
Marcus Grant Quick ways to reshape your data in Excel for use in Tableau
DataDuo Let’s talk about text!
William Guicheney Four Tableau Calculation Tips you need to know about

Beyond the basics

Dataviz Where is the Joy?
3danimi8 How To Do Trend Modeling in Tableau
Datablick Weighted Medians for Weighted Data in Tableau
The Viz Connoisseur Power to the user—Parameters part 5—Swap views
Lee Gibbons Understanding LODs and Set Hierarchies in Tableau
Drawing with Numbers A Dating Lesson: Using Math to Get Dates (by converting Julian Dates)