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Tableau Desktop 2024.1.4
Recomendamos utilizar la versión de mantenimiento más reciente, que incorpora correcciones de errores adicionales.
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Problemas resueltos
ID del problema | Descripción |
W-15922528 Addressed issue impacting email attachments for Tableau Desktop. |
W-15299792 Tableau Desktop does not fetch next-page data from OData paginated results if the first page of those results is empty, resulting in a blank view. |
W-14666451 After creating a workbook in Tableau Desktop 2023.1 and publishing it to Tableau Server 2023.3, the number of rows returned in the workbook is reduced and its scroll bar is missing entirely. This issue also may occur when opening a workbook created in Tableau Desktop 2023.1 in Tableau Desktop version 2023.3. |
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