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Tableau Desktop 2024.2

We recommend using the newest maintenance release of this version, which contains additional fixes.

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After May 2023, fixed defects will no longer be posted here and can be found at[sfcategoryfull]=Tableau selecting the Status = Solution Deployed.

Resolved Issues

Issue ID Description

W-14701949 When copying a sheet to another workbook, it seems like the parameter itself gets copied, but the values in that list don't. However, integer ranges or bool values, etc are preserved even when copied.


W-15922528 Addressed issue impacting email attachments for Tableau Desktop.


W-14617568 When workbooks have been migrated using the Tableau Content Migration Tool, the target site's workbooks can no longer open in Tableau Desktop with error "element 'datasource-dependencies' is not allowed for content model"


W-14320570 Tableau Desktop on Macintosh intermittently hangs while publishing large workbooks or data sources to Tableau Cloud


W-15052347 When exporting a workbook as PowerPoint in Tableau Desktop 2024.1.0, the pop-up window appears outside the display.

On Windows, the ""Export PowerPoint"" window appears outside the display. At this time, Tableau Desktop becomes inoperable and is forced to kill the process.

On Mac, the ""Export PowerPoint"" window appears outside the display. The window can be moved manually."

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Build number


Release date

Mon, 01 July, 2024

Installation Guide
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