Iron Viz: Europe - Entries are In!

Want to check out all the winning entries to Iron Viz Geospatial? You can see them here. Want to get notified when we launch out next Iron Viz contest? Register your interest and we'll let you know as soon as we launch our next contest!

We asked, and Europe answered! We are absolutely amazed at how many amazing vizzes were submitted to our first regional Iron Viz contest - Iron Viz: Europe! If you don't believe me, then check them out for yourself - all entries are linked below.

We are not running a "Crowd Favourite" winner as part of this particular Iron Viz contest, but that doesn't mean you can't make noise on social about your favourite viz! Please use the share button in the footer of each viz to share the viz on social. Remember to include the hashtag #IronViz so the Tableau Public community can follow the conversation!

Meanwhile, the Tableau team will be judging each entry on design, storytelling, analysis, and overall appeal to pick the main-prize winner. And that winner will go on to take the stage at 2017 Tableau Conference on Tour London, UK to compete in the first regional Iron Viz competition on the big stage.

The three winners will be announced on Monday, 8 May 2017!

Charlie Archer - UK General Election Forecast 2017
Chris McGrillen - Oil Trade Across Europe
Shabbir Jadliwala - Premier League
David Childs - Birmingham Equalities Dashboard
Kathryn Ambrose - Household Electricity Consumption in Europe
Jonathan Trajkovic - 1er Tour de L'élection Présidentielle 2017 en France métropolitaine
Ravi Mistry - Is the EU Expanding?
Daniel Caroli - 100 Years of Floods
Rob Radburn - How the 2015 General Election Mapped Out
Kathryn Ambrose - What Caused the Spikes in Stop and Search Incidents by West Yorkshire Police?
David Pires - Tourism in Portugal
Nicco Cirone - Refugee crisis in Europe
Carl Allchin - We Can't Breathe
Annabelle Rincon - A New House for a Little Mouse
Timothy Vermeiren - Eurovision Song Contest
Tristan Guillevin - Beer in Europe
Timothy Vermeiren - The History of Europe
Athan Mavrantonis - The Dutch Elections Puzzle
Ravi Mistry - Changing Demographics Across Europe - The Biggest Problem We Don't Talk About.
Nai Louza - Academia in Europe: How Wide Is the Gender Gap?
Elena Hristozova - European Funding for Research: Who Makes the Most of It?
Lorna Eden - Practical Driving Tests- Iron Viz Europe 2017
Ben Moss - Delay Finder: Flight Delays in the UK
Pablo Saenz de Tejada - Crimes in Europe
Tomas Bagdonas - European Country Employment and Population Data Analysis (1995 -2016)
Kris Curtis - Catching the Kenyans