Best of the Tableau Web: Sweet Iron Viz feeder entries, curvy timelines, and more

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Hello and welcome to the monthly roundup of the Tableau community’s blog posts.

Last month we saw the results of the second 2018 Iron Viz feeder. I asked people to blog about their entries, and thank you to everyone who did. Getting a behind-the-scenes look at the excellent pieces of work is extremely helpful for everyone hoping to improve their Tableau skills. Annabelle Rincon’s breakdown of her entry covered everything from design, to Tableau tips and the “gotchas” she experienced. Mark Bradbourne and Curtis Harris also shared their personal stories behind their work. Kevin Flerlage and Klaus Schulte went into great detail about the challenges of pushing beyond Tableau’s boundaries. And finally, Sarah Bartlett and Chris Love had some very informative reflections on the entire process.

The third Iron Viz feeder is on the subject of water, and is running until the 28th of August. I highly recommend you get involved—and, if you do, I’d love to read about how you built your entry! (Note: Iron Viz-related blogs don’t affect your score.)

Meanwhile, whatever the topic, if it’s about Tableau, keep on blogging.