Tableau Server on AWS

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This whitepaper provides technical guidance on how to deploy and configure Tableau Server on AWS. Additionally, it outlines key integrations and configurations unique to AWS products that enable you to use Tableau Server to best meet your needs.

As a business intelligence platform, Tableau Server provides comprehensive and robust capabilities for all aspects of an organization’s analytics ecosystem. These capabilities are quick and easy to deploy, and require minimal , if any, customizations. The core architecture of Tableau Server runs two of the largest data platforms in the world: Tableau Cloud and Tableau Public.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a reliable, scalable, secure, and highly performing infrastructure for the most demanding web applications—an infrastructure that matches IT costs with customer traffic patterns in real time.

This whitepaper provides technical guidance on how to deploy and configure Tableau Server on AWS. Additionally, it outlines key integrations and configurations unique to AWS products that enable you to use Tableau Server to best meet your needs.

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Tableau Server frees up a lot of resources for us to be a little more nimble and create more platforms than answers. I feel like it increases my efficiency as an analyst because I can serve more people.

Sobre a Tableau

O Tableau ajuda as pessoas a transformar dados em informações acionáveis. Explore seus dados com uma análise visual sem limites. Crie painéis e faça análises sob demanda com apenas alguns cliques. Compartilhe seu trabalho com quem quiser e gere um impacto positivo nos seus negócios. De multinacionais a startups recém-fundadas e pequenas empresas, pessoas de todo o mundo usam o Tableau para ver e entender seus dados.

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