Irish Life Insurance Forecasts Trends and Identifies Outliers with Data Visualization

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See how insurance providers are relying on data analysis to identify outliers, see patterns, and ultimately reduce their risk.

The insurance industry is full of data waiting to be analysed. However, enabling decision-makers in your organisation to effectively analyze and access that data in a timely manner can be a challenge. In this 3 minute video Irish Life shares how and why they've enabled their workforce with self-service data visualization and the positive impact it has on their business.

Watch and learn how data visualisation facilitates:

  • Business decision-makers to access and analyze data directly without waiting on reports from IT
  • Analysts to discover patterns and trends that help reduce underwriting risk
  • Easier monitoring of claims processing status
  • Evaluation of overall portfolio risk profile in an interactive dashboard

Irish Life

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It's obviously a time of recession worldwide now, so it's ever more important that people can see trends very quickly, in a timely manner, with accurate, up-to-date information—that's what Tableau gives us.

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