Advanced Analytics with Tableau

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Read this paper to learn how Tableau can help with all stages of an analytics project by using advanced capabilities.

Advanced analytics has emerged as a critical component of modern business intelligence in recent years. As organizations rush to take advantage of new capabilities, both data scientists and business users benefit from tools that simplify their workflows.

Advanced analytics is an integral part of Tableau’s mission to help people see and understand their data. The following whitepaper details how Tableau can help democratize sophisticated analysis. As discussed in the paper, Tableau’s intuitive interface, powerful back end, and statistics integration provide a strong base for any advanced analytics infrastructure.

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Tableau has clearly demonstrated they’re a leader in the digital analytics industry.

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Tableau를 사용하면 데이터를 실천 가능한 통찰력으로 전환할 수 있습니다. 제한 없이 시각적 분석을 반복적으로 수행하고, 몇 번의 클릭만으로 대시보드 구축 및 애드혹 분석이 가능합니다. 또한 모든 사람과 작업 내용을 공유하고 비즈니스를 개선할 수 있습니다. 글로벌 기업부터 신생 기업 및 소규모 비즈니스에 이르기까지 전 세계 모든 사람들이 Tableau를 사용하여 데이터를 보고 이해할 수 있습니다.

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