Improving Financial Reporting at the Department of the Interior

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Learn how the DOI uses data visualization and analytical technologies to quickly raise red flags and effectively seek answers.

Led by Doug Glenn, the Deputy CFO and Director of the Office of Financial Management, the Department of Interior (DOI) has succeeded in improving financial systems through data analysis and identifying where and how exactly budget is being spent.

Financial scorecards have allowed Glenn and his team at DOI to use data visualization and analytical technologies to quickly raise red flags and effectively seek answers.

In this one-hour webcast, hear from the DOI team about:

  • How the federal financial industry has changed over the past 24 years
  • The pros and cons of current government reporting models
  • The critical element of how to report data (AGA Chapter experiment)
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When you can just glance at a Tableau map and discern exactly how your state’s spending on veteran benefits, by program, compares with those of the other 49 states—that’s powerful.

Tableau について

Tableau は、次にとるべきアクションにつながるインサイトを、お客様がデータから引き出せるように支援しています。ビジュアル分析によって、制限なくデータを探索できます。ダッシュボードを作成し、数回のクリックでアドホックな分析を実行できるようになります。分析は誰とでも共有でき、大きなインパクトをビジネスにもたらすことができます。グローバルな大企業から、中小企業やスタートアップまで、あらゆる場所で多くのお客様が Tableau を使いデータを見て理解しています。


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