Andy Cotgreave's Gartner BI Twitternalysis

Product Consultant Andy Cotgreave has been busy at the Gartner BI Summit in London today. As he watched the stream of Tweets fly by him this morning a wave of inspiration struck; it was time to viz!

Product Consultant Andy Cotgreave has been busy at the Gartner BI Summit in London today. As he watched the stream of Tweets fly by him this morning a wave of inspiration struck; it was time to viz!

More from Andy himself:

The stand has been busy all day as people seek tools to help decision making, self-service, and provide fast analytics. These seem to be the trends Gartner is pushing as the big themes of BI in 2012, and we’ve been happy to show how we can tick those boxes. We’ve spoken to a good mix of business and IT users and hope to have impressed on them all how everyone can work together, particularly with the new Data Server we released in Version 7.

The viz shows all tweets with the #gartnerbi hashtag. I used a Python script to pull the data from Twitter into a CSV and built the app from there. I like the fact that you can see the ebbs and flows of the day, especially how things are quietest when people are eating and drinking!