Table Calcs Thursday Begins! Send Us Your Calcs Questions

It's that day you all have been waiting for: Table Calcs Thursday. As promised, we're setting aside a day for the new Tableau Table Calculations. We're taking any Table Calcs questions you care to bring. Just email today and our crack Table Calcs Commandos will get right back to you.

It's that day you all have been waiting for: Table Calcs Thursday. As promised, we're setting aside a day for the new Tableau Table Calculations. We're taking any Table Calcs questions you care to bring. Just email today and our crack Table Calcs Commandos will get right back to you.

What kind of questions? Any. Struggling with a calc? Wondering if table calcs can do something specific? Want to see if someone's done a similar calc before? Email us and we'll get you an answer.

Moving average of variable duration? No problem.

For those of you without specific questions, here are some resources:

  • The new Top 10 Tableau Table Calcs page takes you through popular calcs, from bump charts and moving averages to common baseline and more. Each example has tabs explaining step-by-step how to create the calculation, and you can download the workbook to inspect further.
  • A new white paper explains in depth what addressing and partitioning are and why they can help you create the right calculation.
  • You'll also find some great information in the online help as well as a on-demand training video.
  • And finally, there's an active community discussing and posting calcs in the Forums. More on that later today.

So take some time today to check out Table Calcs. They're a little prickly at first, but once you get to know them they warm right up.